Thursday, September 23, 2010

My thoughts about retribution paladins...

I decided to write this since so many people are complaining about how easy playing a retribution paladin is in both PvP and PvE. I want to answer some questions, both for myself and for you guys. So the questions are:
-Are retri paladins REALLY that easy in PvP/PvE?
-When did the opinion about retri paladins become so bad?
-Are they still overpowered?
-Why is bubble soo annoying?

Alright, I will start with the first one.
Are retri paladins REALLY that easy in PvP/PvE?
My answer is: no, they aren't. Most people say that they are such a easy brainless class because of their small amount of spells/attacks. Now let's think about this a little bit more... is it really a positive thing? I understand that in patch 3.0.1 and 3.1 when they were rediculously overpowered the thing that they only needed to click "three buttons" was annoying, but now? Would it be cool to play eg. a priest if you had only PW:S, Flash Heal, Renew and Greater Heal? Would it be easy? Yes. Would it bring good results unless you timed everything perfectly? Ofcourse not. So that's why I think that paladins having only 4 spells in their sequence is actually a negative thing for them and they have to think more since they need to TIME their attacks for the best DPS (unlike eg. arcane mage). As for PvP it's bad aswell, because unless you can kill someone with those 4 attacks (and obviously you can't) then you are going to have to wait and wait until your cooldows reset which sucks.
So the final answer: retri paladins CAN BE easy to play with but you will never achieve good results without actually having to think a bit. Timing is the key and it's not a easy one.

-"When did the opinion about retri paladins become so bad"?
Let me begin with this: there are two "opinions" (bad ones) about retridins. One is that they fail and can't kill anything. The second one is that they are rediculously overpowered and don't require any skill.

So, first the first one. That opinion was "live" about retribution paladins since the start of the game. In Pre-bc they had 1 or 2 attacks (forgot exact amount) and seriously, they could do SHIT. When someone saw a retri pala they thought "oh a free HK hurray!". The opinion stayed the same for pretty much most of the Burning Crusade times, although now that people could play belf paladins the opinion got even worse with the helmet kids that automatically rolled one and made a /castrandom macro. It changed right into the second one ("they are OP and don't require any skill) with the beginning of WotlK. Patch 3.0.1-3.2 were the glory days of retri paladins. Pretty much anyone could play them and win - here the "they are rediculously OP and don't require any skill" fits perfectly. But now? They are a quite balanced class (although some people say they are underpowered) and require quite a bit of fixing.

-"Are they still overpowered"? The short answer is: no. If you read all I wrote above you would know the answer. The thing about them having only 4 attacks is actually a negative thing and to achieve high DPS for a retri paladin you need to really learn how to time your attacks well and it's DEFINATELY not easy.

-"Why is bubble so annoying?" Actually the question is: why does bubble annoy us so much and Frost Block/Blink/Sprint/Vanish/Blind/Sap etc. etc. etc. etc. doesn't? Its all because of the opinion that retri paladins have. People think they are so easy to play and when they bubble they just show how much they fail. It's true, bubble is more powerful then eg. Frost Block, but it's not like it's undestructable, a priest can easily just Mass Dispel it. Also when a mage Frost Blocks most people think "oh what a awesome mage he is so skilled damnit it's so hard to kill him wow" and what do you think when you see a paladin bubble? "F*ck yeah, bubble you a$$hole, failer, now go click your 3 buttons and kill me". Iam pretty sure that if you think about it more after reading what I said here you would come to the same conclusion.

Thanks for reading this guys, please share your opinions by commenting. Also don't forget to subscribe!

Till next time,


  1. I disagree on almost every part. Ret is blindingly faceroll, and at the same time they are NOT op any more. Just really, really easy.

    They barely require any timing. A friend from my retail server played Ret/Rogue/Priest in 3s with a /castrandom macro and hit 2200 with it. Its faceroll. While that friend was very skilled at other classes, he said Ret was the easiest 2200 hes ever hit. Thats because it is easy to play, easier to learn, and the easiest class/spec combo in the game.

    We think bubble is more annoying than all those other things because RET PALADINS CAN HEAL TO FULL IN 3 HOLY LIGHTS during that bubble, WHILE keeping us in combat, and WHILE regaining mana with a judgement.

    No one thinks Ice Block (ICE BLOCK, NOT FROST BLOCK) is skillful. Mages just can't heal to full in 9 seconds during it without a partner.

    Also, ret paladins have an absurd amount of defensive CDs in pvp for themselves and their partner. Hand of Sacrifice, Hand of Freedom, Divine Sacrifice, HoJ, Repentance, Hand of Protection...All on top of having plate armor (which just shits on most melee), Sacred Shield, and Art of War procs.

    I kinda got off track with that last thing, because I make it sound like they're OP, but they just have so many tools in addition of bubble which makes it EASIER for them to survive.

    Its faceroll. Any way you look at it. It is.

  2. yeah its faceroll and requires no skill anyone that says otherwise doesnt know how to play, if you are struggling to play a ret paladin you should anhero after reading this. it's face roll its 4 buttons and who said anything about timing?
    all the abilities are built so u can mash which one doesnt have CD, as a paladin u will always have something of CD to use, so really its like playing whack a mole. and bubble is so annoying as lulzi stated they can heal and do damage and move while bubbled not to mention hearth.

  3. Lulzi, don't forget that Blizzard removed the /castrandom macro in like patch 3.1 or something close to that, so your bro must've been playing while they were still OP. Btw, meh, looks like no chance for me to look a bit better as a retri pala :-(


    Um...No it didn't...

  5. "Since 3.2, /castrandom selects one spell from the list on first use and tries to cast it until it is successfully cast. It cannot be used anymore to create "use first ready spell" macros." Not the same anymore, its exactly as /castsequence now


Please do not use vulgarisms.