Saturday, September 25, 2010

Blizzard releasing the Remote Auction House!

Hey everyone!
Blizzard released a new method of using the auction house... straight from your phone! You can browse the auction house for free, but if you want to bid/buyout/sell items you need to pay $2,99 per month for a subscription.

When I saw that you have to actually pay more for this I almost fell off my chair. I mean come on! We pay them $15 a month and now they want us to pay even more for something that doesn't cost a dollar to keep up! They should take care of their players more... they are making ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY million dollars ($180000000) a month already (just from WoW) and they want even more? In my opinion that's just disgusting... I would understand if WoW was a free game and you could buy these kinds of "premium memberships" (read: Runescape) but not if Iam paying them $15 a month and they want me to pay even more.

Comment by MSG-Deathscythe "how's this for logic? WOW is losing subscribers. Should they charge current subscribers more or should they lower the price to attract new subscribers?" 

Comment by gunwar "Next is to open a physical WoW auction house so that players get to leave their computer for 15 minutes but still can still interact with WoW at the same time"

Comment by Evenios "ugh with the glowly horses rip off and now this? let me guess 3 bucks a month extra for the service so instead of paying 15 a month for wow you pay 18 almost? come on. They should include this free." 

Short video by MassiveWoWGold

Never heard of his WoW Gold Blueprint guide, but it sounds interesting. I think I will give it a try. Check it out here.

Anyway, check out this page about the Mobile AH:
Check out this remote auction article -

Blizzard earnings if you 50% of WoW players buy this (and I'am pretty sure that more will) 5500000*3=$16500000 not so bad for something like this...

Iam definately not going to buy it, but it's your choice.

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